Thursday, 29 August 2013

football starts tonight....are y'all die hard football people?  i'm not going to lie, it does nothing for me.  i have no problem however partaking in a good tailgating experience :)  that being said, my husband is a football person and he has given his love for the game directly to my daughter....who sports orange very proudly.  i hope y'all have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

*images courtesy of city sageparks and cube, coco pearl, katie d-i-d

Monday, 26 August 2013

OMG i've been away for way too long.....i have no excuse other then being a mother and getting back into the swing of things now that school is in.  i hope to be here often now.  i've missed my morning date w/ my coffee cup, desk, and computer.  hope y'all have a great start to the week....