Friday, 28 January 2011

if you need me....

i'll be hanging out here.  not b/c it's cool but b/c i have no where else to sit in my house due to the fact that all of my kitchen drawers and doors are currently scattered throughout the house.  as for the rest of the family, they're going to have to fend for themselves!  
and i'll be listening to this on repeat (did you see garden and gun this month?!).  happy weekend!  
tune in next week to see what color i picked!  *i already know*

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

still undecided.

i was so going to play it safe and go white....i had my mind made up.  i talked to my mom; she said white.  i saw this pic on brad ford's website and i thought....yep that looks fab (as if i could compare that kitchen to my own).
and then i saw these on his site.....and now i am back on greige.  i have a problem: it's called, i seriously cannot make up my mind for my own house.  it's pitiful (my husband told me to quit playing it safe w/ white...well maybe not that politely- he might have told me to grow a pair).  two days until the painter calls asking my color.  yikes!  do you have a favorite griege color??!

i also got this pic from my FAVORITE lighting company, urban electric, this's now my inspiration for my hallway.....i don't know if i can talk warren into painting the floor but i love it and the lights are killer.

i love browsing that's full of inspiration.  hello, i love this light.  she needs to live in my house....
happy hump day!  off to stare at paint chips on my super bright kitchen walls....

Monday, 24 January 2011

kitchen painting

my kitchen is definitely a work in progress.  the previous owners had lots of green accents throughout the house and so the wall color made perfect sense.  however, with our stuff moved in, it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.  i have until friday to make a decision and i keep flip flopping.  i can't decide whether to paint the cabinets white or go a greige (a light grey/ green color).  here are some of the kitchens that are inspiring me.  and i threw in a pic of our current kitchen for giggles...don't you love how i styled it!!  i mean, are those seriously bunny ears on the counter...see the kind of disaster i am living in!!??

speaking of kitchen, last night i had my inlaws over for supper (they live about 5 minutes away from us so it will probably be a weekly occurrence).  my parents had cooked a pizza the other weekend for me that i couldn't get out of my head and i was dying to try to make's the strangest combination but divine- potato and leek pizza from the pioneer woman.  you have to try it- seriously!  luckily my inlaws know that i am a walking disaster case so when i dumped all the bacon on the floor that was suppose to go on the pizza, they just laughed and said we could always get take out!  luckily, i had more bacon to spare in the fridge and the pizza turned out least everyone humored me and said that :)

Friday, 21 January 2011


i sound like a broken record these days but i have too much on my plate right now....but i had to say hey and thank you for all of your comments and emails from wed's post.  they totally put a smile on my face and gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside to know that y'all are in the same boat as me!!   TGIF....i'm off to move piles around so painters can get into the kids' rooms.  have a wonderful weekend.

*images courtesy of love, thronton designers, make under my life, camille soulayrol, kerris dale design

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

i try

i try and i totally fail every time....
i want to be that mom that has her sh*t together and i try hard...but i am not.  i need to face the facts.  i am the mom that is running around w/ her head cut off.  it's a constant battle that i face every AM.  i just can't get organized.  it doesn't matter if i wake up 3 hrs before i have to get taylor to school, i am always racing around.  i am that mom, who doesn't read the calendar until i am emptying out her book bag on the way to school and notice that today is "wear white day" and tay has on bright pink....i'm the mom that sends her daughter to school in a dress, tights, and ankle boots on "gym day"....i'm the mom that the teacher has to call in the evening to go over the "dress code" and "the calendar/ schedule" please, all of you 'together' moms, tell me how you do it.  i need help :)

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


it's been awhile.....
we have moved and are in our new house in a new town.... but right now, i am going to imagine that i am not surrounded by boxes, newspaper, and crap.  in fact, i wish i could find one of taylor's plastic wands.  i'd wave it and things would magically come out of the boxes, make their way to their proper places, the walls would be painted already, and the pictures would be hung.
and me....i'd be sitting with my feet up, watching it all happen w/ a hot cup of coffee or better yet, a big glass of red wine.
good news- my computer is back up w/ the internet- yippee!!!  so i'll be seeing a lot more of y'all :)

Monday, 3 January 2011

please forgive me....

for my absence....
i have lots of packing to do and little access to a computer for next two weeks.
but i promise, mid january, i'm back to my old self again. 
xoxo, pink wallpaper