Friday, 31 May 2013

please excuse my has been chaotic.  we have decided the next move will be done w/'s too hard and we are no longer spring chickens.  our body has ached every night from going up and down stairs w/ furniture and boxes.  thankfully, we are officially done (just don't look in our cars b/c we look like hoarders).  tonight, i'm dying to make these and sit by the pool b/c we have earned them....i hope y'all have a relaxing weekend.

*images courtesy of carolines modecasa tres chic, birch and bird, atlanta homes, studio m, a lovely beinga perfect gray

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

did y'all have a nice weekend??  we had a b'day party for taylor...cannot believe she is almost 6 yrs old!  i started this blog right after she was born....which means i have been doing this for almost 6 yrs...crazy stuff!!

*images courtesy of pretty stuff, birch and birdcreative index, philip gorrivan

Friday, 17 May 2013

is anyone else so happy it's friday!!  we are heading to a music festival with the kiddos which should be interesting to say the least :)  i hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!

*images courtesy of modern hepburn, anetteshusphilip gorrivan 

Monday, 13 May 2013

i am thinking for our new house that i want to use pale, neutral colors....much like what's going on in these images....but don't hold me to it....i change my mind almost everyday :)  i hope y'all had a wonderful weekend.  i went camping....and survived!!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

if you need me, i'm be surrounded by boxes and packing house is complete chaos and i've having a hard time focusing!!

Thursday, 2 May 2013

good morning...i've been traveling a lot lately and i always find myself hooked to oprah radio.  do y'all ever listen to it?  it plays her old shows....and it's good stuff.  but beware, on one road trip i found myself crying like 4 separate times....gets a little awkward when i have to answer the phone and i am be sobbing!!  i swear, every time i get home from a trip, i have some life revelation due to oprah!!